Sunday, August 12, 2012

Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins Partners in Time part 3

Spongebob and all the gang reach the Petropolis,the Ghost Gang : Inky Pinky Blinky & Clyde. use a suction-type tree and capture Spongebob and Tenderheart & all friends, leaving the babies behind. The Ghost Gang . challenge the babies to a battle. As usual, the babies win and the helmets on the Ghost Gang .Pinky & Blinky break, freeing both Hammer Bros. from the Shroob's control. They give the babies Hammers and teach them how to use them. The babies travel through the air shaft and finally rescue Spongebob and Tenderheart & all friends. The babies continue moving along, with their older selves, towards the rest of the Petropolis.

In the last room, they find a huge devil guy named pac-devil . Spongebob and Tenderheart & all friends watch pac-devil with Swiggler give the Shroob UFOs energy, but Baby Chopper knocks the vim holder. This enrages pac-devil, causing it to battle. When the boss is defeated, another Cobalt Shard is found. However, Baby Bowser comes in, running around the four heroes. As a result, Spongebob,Tenderheart, and the babies become dizzy and Baby Bowser is able to steal both Cobalt Shards. Baby Bowser and Irene Law & Miss Scary escape, and the heroes travel back to the present day Princess Peach's Castle, both successful and unsuccessful.
 to be continued

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