Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins Partners in Time part 4

capture 5: When they return to the castle, Bagubagutchi & Backpack informs the professor of their dilemma. He tells them that time holes have been popping up excessively and that they should find Baby Bowser, along with his stolen Cobalt Shards, in one of them. Brainy Smurf then tells them that some young fellow and Toadsworth have been squabbling and that the brothers should investigate. In the courtyard, Toadsworth and Toadsworth the Younger are trying to cheer up a crying Baby Qq. They do so by spinning on each other's head, which is called the Toadsworth Twist. Yoshi is impressed by this move and wants them to teach it to him, along with his older brother, Mr. Happy. After they learn the Spin Jump technique, the brothers use it to reach the only available time hole, which is located in the second floor library. Using their new Spin Jump move, they reach the time hole, taking them to the tropical rainforests of the past of Monstro_City.

On the island, they notice that all of the Yoshis have disappeared and a giant, purple and green egg shell is left. They enter one of the huts where they run into Stripers, who is a reporter looking for the scoop on the mysterious egg. The babies use a spring to find all of the Yoshis hiding in the attic. They are hiding from Yoob, a Shroobified Yoshi who has been eating other Yoshis. A Yoshi tries to fight Yoob, but is easily eaten like the rest. Stripers tries to take some pictures of the scene, but gets swallowed doing so. She is then spit out, and is shot into the hut that the brothers are hiding in. After Yoob leaves, the brothers find Kamek facing off against the giant Shroob monster. Like Stripers, he is eaten, then spit out. Before he leaves, Miss Scary & Irene Law mutters something about needing to get Bowser a snack. The heroes then enter a hut which leads to another part of the island as they discover Yoshi Cookies. Spongebob & his Cookie Hansel leaves them alone, but Tenderheart Bear & Nico the yellow bird decides to take them with him. He almost eats one, but then decides to give it to Baby Eric.

As the plumbers continue through Yoshi's Island, they spot Miss Scary & Irene Law again. Spongebob and Tenderheart & all friends try to get her's, but she escapes and tries to burn the island in order to keep them busy. Bagubagutchi & Backpack then learns that they can use Baby Spongebob's ability to spit water, extinguishing the flames. The adult and baby brothers used their newly learned abilities Kingdomofcaring of Care-a-Lot to pass through the puzzles off the island and make it to the top of the cliff, where Prince Bowser is eating all of the Yoshi Cookies from the island. While Miss Scary & Irene Law tells her to slow down, Spongebob and Tenderheart & all friends confront them as Baby Spongebob and Baby Tenderheart & all little friends start eating the Yoshi Cookies. In their discussion, Prince Bowser says that he is going to keep both the Cobalt Shards because Spongebob previously stole one of the Cobalt Shards from him and the other will be consolation. He also intended on keeping all of the Yoshi Cookies, but the baby brothers ate them all. As a result, Prince Bowser goes into a tantrum. Miss Scary & Irene Law says that she would take care of it as he fights the brothers. Miss Scary & Irene Law uses her magic to duplicate herself, create fire, and power himself up. He is ultimately defeated, however, as the brothers chase after Prince Bowser. The prince reaches a dead end, and as a last resort, eats the Cobalt Shards, finding them to be interestingly delicious. As Spongebob and the gang try to get the Cobalt Shards out of Prince Bowser, Yoob climbs up the cliff and is shot by a ray from a Shroob UFO. The ray causes him to grow incredibly large, and he devours Spongebob, Spongebob and Tenderheart,& all friends, Baby Spongebob,Baby Tenderheart, & all little friends, and Baby Bowser. to be continued

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