Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins Partners in Time part 9

chapter 10 :
They then return to the castle, where they are told to go to the Shroob Castle in the past. The brothers solve many puzzles in the large castle, and even take down the Shroob Mother Ship. Spongebob and the gang finally find Princess Shroob, along with QQ. After a long battle, the brothers defeat the Shroob princess. Then, QQ shows them the last piece of the Cobalt Star, but does not let them merge it with the other pieces that they have.

chapter 11:
Before she could explain, Prince Bowser swoops in and takes the final piece and connects it to the other pieces, causing Elder Princess Shroob to appear. He is then transformed into a Shroob Mushroom, as well. QQ finally reveals that she trapped Elder Princess Shroob inside the Cobalt Star and the final piece freed her. After that, the brothers fight the mighty Elder Princess Shroob. After beating her, she turns into a dark colored Mushroom (which Baby Tenderheart Bear takes with him). As the brothers try to figure out what to do with the Mushroom that was once Baby Bowser, the babies play around with it and Baby Tenderheart Bear gets hurt. He begins to cry on it, which restores Baby Bowser to his true form.

Realizing the Shroobs' weakness, the gang gets Brainy Smurf to spray a chemically similar liquid to Baby Tenderheart's tears all throughout time with his invention, the Hydrogush 4000, causing all of the victims of the Shroobs to turn back to normal and ridding the presence of the Shroobs in the process.

To Be Continued

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