Saturday, February 20, 2016

cat's familie

This was a no-brainer for me of the adoption to pick out the couple for this meme (in a good way).

Duchess(The Aristocats)
Thomas O'Malley (The Aristocats)

5 sons: Felix,Top Cat,Super Snooper,Toro Inoue and Garfield.
5 daughters: Sawyer Cat (Cats Don't Dance), Mimi, Dazzle, Kitty Katswell (TUFF Puppy) and Baby Gilly Golightly.

Honorable mentions go to
Marie, Berlioz, and Toulouse

Other relatives:
Penelope Pussycat (Garfield and Mimi's old friend), Harry(Garfield's last friend)(former Rival), Lorelei (Garfield and Mimi's Rival), Sly (Garfield, Mimi, Snooper, Sawyer, Felix, Top Cat, Dazzle, Kitty, Gilly and Toro's cousin),Dudley Puppy (sons-in-law),
The alley cats are a jazz band: Scat Cat, Shun Gon, Hit Cat, Peppo and Billy Boss (Thomas O'Malley and Duchess's friends), Jun Mihara, R. Suzuki, Pierre Yamamoto and Ricky (Toro's friends), Miss Kitty (Garfield and Mimi's close friend),Asparagus and Grizabella (Penelope's Sisters), Rumpus and Mistoffeless (Penelope's Brothers), Tillie Hippo (Sawyer's friend),Lola (Garfield and Mimi's odd friend),

Other relatives and family friends not included in the meme, due to unavaillible pics or just plain running out of room, are the following:
Danny Cat (Cats Don't Dance)(sons-in-law), Mr. Jinks (Garfield, Mimi, Snooper, Sawyer, Felix, and Toro's family friend), Muffin (Lola's Sister),Roma & Rona (Miss Kitty's Twins: younger sister and brother),Mrs. Pussycat (Penelope's Mother), Fancy-Fancy, Choo-Choo, Spook, Brain, and Benny (Top Cat's friends), Brick (Garfield and Mimi's Rival), Oliver (Oliver & Company)(Mr. Jinks's younger Brother and sons-in-law), Wooly, Frances, Cranston, T.W, and Pudge (Sawyer's friends). Arlene (daughters-in-law), Stéphanie (Pat and Stan)(Mr. Jinks's Sister),Biff (Garfield, Mimi, Snooper, Sawyer, Felix, and Toro's mindful friend),Sonja cat (Heathcliff and the Catillac Cats)(Garfield, Mimi, Snooper, Sawyer, Felix, Top Cat, Dazzle, Kitty, Gilly and Toro's cousin), Oggy(Garfield, Mimi, Snooper, Sawyer, Felix, and Toro's family friend), Jack (Oggy's older cousin), Heathcliff (son-in-law), Kitty Kat (daughters-in-law), Sylvester Jr. (Sylvia Cat's son/family friend), Secret Squirrel (Snooper's best friend), Apricot Sandy (Mr. Jinks's Sister), Monica (Oggy's sister and daughters-in-law), Penelope pussycat (Sylvester's wife), Olivia (daughters-in-law),Ed (Garfield, Mimi, Snooper, Sawyer, Felix, and Toro's unlucky friend)

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