Berry Smoothie is tons of fun and loves to hang out on beaches!
Monday, February 29, 2016
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Patra as a baby
You know what she is, that patra from Pac-Man Party she is a baby she look cute, was wear a dress is so amazing.
Saturday, February 27, 2016
meet their own 4 Children
Peek-a-Boos There Are:
Uni: a Younger Unicorn And She's Also The Daughter Of Magic and Rainbow. At Most Times, She Can Be Very Playful! She's truly one-of-a-kind, and her being an only child!
Pups: a Younger Dog And She's Also The Daughter Of Sherbet and Stan (Pat and Stan). She Loves To Find Out About Things That Are Truly Safe For Her! full of herself, sees herself as the perfect example, narcissistic, tyrannical, show off, acts like an innocent angel when adults are around, devilish, stupid brat, manipulative, cruel, and will do anything, she look so Sweet!
Chimps: a Baby Monkey Is Also The Son Of Magilla Gorilla and Bananas. He seems to be smart though some who know him better think he can be pretty friendly. actually pretty Cute he look little bit helpful, he was a Curious Infant!
Peek-a-Boos There Are:
Uni: a Younger Unicorn And She's Also The Daughter Of Magic and Rainbow. At Most Times, She Can Be Very Playful! She's truly one-of-a-kind, and her being an only child!
Pups: a Younger Dog And She's Also The Daughter Of Sherbet and Stan (Pat and Stan). She Loves To Find Out About Things That Are Truly Safe For Her! full of herself, sees herself as the perfect example, narcissistic, tyrannical, show off, acts like an innocent angel when adults are around, devilish, stupid brat, manipulative, cruel, and will do anything, she look so Sweet!
Chimps: a Baby Monkey Is Also The Son Of Magilla Gorilla and Bananas. He seems to be smart though some who know him better think he can be pretty friendly. actually pretty Cute he look little bit helpful, he was a Curious Infant!
Penni: a Younger Penguin Is Also The Son Of Waddles and Paddles. He Really Likes To Slide Around The Snowy Slopeseasygoing, animal lover, helpful, nerdy, logical, very shy, doesn’t really believe in magic, empathic, clear-headed, He look cuddly!
Friday, February 26, 2016
Puella Magi Madoka Magic crossovers
Here's my recast meme for Puella Magi Madoka Magic.
Little Miss Sunshine (Mr. Men) - Madoka
Little Miss Whoops (Mr. Men) - Homura
Rouge the Bat (Sonic) - Sayaka
Portia Porcupine (The Get Along Gang) - Mami
Little Miss Bossy (Mr. Men) - Kyoko
Jawg and Scorpi (Mixels) - Kyubey
Little Miss Sunshine (Mr. Men) - Madoka
Little Miss Whoops (Mr. Men) - Homura
Rouge the Bat (Sonic) - Sayaka
Portia Porcupine (The Get Along Gang) - Mami
Little Miss Bossy (Mr. Men) - Kyoko
Jawg and Scorpi (Mixels) - Kyubey
Thursday, February 25, 2016
why, what happen to scraps
Scraps was look shy, he has blushes on his face.
is really bad to fight each other, so scraps to stop them before it to late when will doom then who got away from all of two dogs, but then he come to "undercover" to meet with her two recruits Carface and Killer at a meat packing plant. Though the real Scraps appears and the deception is revealed, Odie gives into Blackie's offer of an easier way to life and all the meat he can eat. And Spells With His Magic Staff When Blackie tries to get Odie to do the right thing,was a bad ones,Mimi and her son wakko and her friend India who join the wloud journey and they met MCPD Mixels, But Boogeydog come to her got good life gun to zap back to Darlin, will be look happy, if she knows mimi and her siblings along with India and dipper and mabel what wil happens atother Boogeydog Tried us the gun turn back to luke he come care for us just the away it is for leave, the touble his worth, found him for his life look at him there the Boogeydog tried fight em when it will be painful mimi will help him turns out to be us as stan. babs, saffari and darlin will help him for your healthy Life but sadly mimi see to lappy and saw poor luke, mimi and her siblings with Dipper and Mabel gose him they take him home forever with his parents and conforming for him. But the Mobs are terribly dangerous mimi show by mirror look to Blackie, Dipper pine had a good idea for the mobs.
Dipper: Blackie The Boogeydog will make off with your children! He'll come after them in the night!
Pat: No!
Grunkle Stan: We're not safe 'til his head is mounted on my wall! I say we kill Blackie!
All Mob: Kill him!
Chilbo: We're not safe until he's dead
Dribbal: He'll come stalking us at night
Katy kat: Set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite!
Digby: He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free!
Dipper: So it's time to take some action, boys
It's time to follow me!
Through the mist, through the woods
Through the darkness and the shadows
It's a nightmare, but it's one exciting ride
Say a prayer, then we're there
At the drawbridge of a castle
And there's something truly terrible inside
It's a dog!
He's got fangs, razor sharp ones!
Massive paws, killer claws for the feast
Hear him roar! See him foam!
But we're not coming home 'til he's dead
Good and dead! Kill Blackie!
Pat: No! I won't let you do this!
Grunkle Stan: If you're not with us, you're against us, don't you stan?. Bring the cat and his sister!
Mr Jinks: Get your hands off me!
Grunkle Stan: We can't have them running off to warn the creature!
Mimi: Locked stuart!
Pat: Let us out!
Dipper: We'll rid the village of this Dog! Who's with me?
Rosie: I am!
(Oliver look at us)
Gobba: I am!
Goldie: I am!
Mob: Light your torch!
(Miss Sunshine She climb up to Tiketz)
Mount your horse!
Grunkle Stan: Screw your courage to the sticking place!
Mob: We're counting on Dipper to lead the way!
Through a mist, through a wood
Where within a haunted castle
Something's lurking that you don't see ev'ry day!
It's a dog!
One as tall as a mountain
(Mother and daughter from Lucario and the Mystery of Mew wave at other peoples)
We won't rest 'til he's good and deceased
Sally forth!
Tally ho!
Grab your sword!
Grab your bow!
Praise the Lord and here we go!
Grunkle Stan: We'll lay siege to the castle and bring back his head!
Pat: I have to warn for Scraps. Oh, this is all my fault. Oh, Stephanie what are we going to do?
Stephanie: Now, now, we'll think of something.
(Oliver had an idea to see)
Mob: We don't like
What we don't understand
In fact it scares us
And this monster is mysterious at least
Bring your guns!
Bring your knives!
Save your children and your wives
We'll save our village and our lives
We'll kill Blackie!
(Cut to Blackie and Carface's castle dungeons)
Mordecai: I knew it. I knew it was foolish to get our hopes up.
Jake: Maybe it would have been better if she had never come at all.
Skippy Squirrel: Look, over there, Guys?
Jake: Could it be?
Slappy Squirrel: Is it she?
Jake: Sacre Bleu! Invaders!
Mordecai: Encroachers!
Slappy Squirrel: And they have the mirror!
Mordecai: Warn the master. If it's a fight they want, we'll be ready for them. Who's with me? (Door slams) Hey!
Mimi: we need to find Odie, so he will turn back to good!
Garfield: Yes, we will, and We need to find for Blackie we take him turn back to scraps, we got to Stop Carface!
Grunkle Stan: Take whatever booty you can find. But remember, Blackie is mine!
Castleware: Hearts ablaze
Banners high
We go marching into battle
Unafraid although the danger just increased
Mob: Raise your flag!
Sing the song!
Here we come, we're fifty strong
And fifty Other Townsfolks can't be wrong
Let's kill Blackie!
stan will battle to Blakie the Boogeydog
and turn back to normal it was scraps from Bill Cipher
Mimi and Luke has to push out Carface into the water.
Monday, February 22, 2016
other most pairings
come the shipping comes the crossover couples
Mindy and Righttchi on the Lift and Rusty and Florence on the Right.
Mindy and Righttchi on the Lift and Rusty and Florence on the Right.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
cat's familie
Duchess(The Aristocats)
Thomas O'Malley (The Aristocats)
5 sons: Felix,Top Cat,Super Snooper,Toro Inoue and Garfield.
5 daughters: Sawyer Cat (Cats Don't Dance), Mimi, Dazzle, Kitty Katswell (TUFF Puppy) and Baby Gilly Golightly.
Honorable mentions go to
Marie, Berlioz, and Toulouse
Other relatives:
Penelope Pussycat (Garfield and Mimi's old friend), Harry(Garfield's last friend)(former Rival), Lorelei (Garfield and Mimi's Rival), Sly (Garfield, Mimi, Snooper, Sawyer, Felix, Top Cat, Dazzle, Kitty, Gilly and Toro's cousin),Dudley Puppy (sons-in-law),
The alley cats are a jazz band: Scat Cat, Shun Gon, Hit Cat, Peppo and Billy Boss (Thomas O'Malley and Duchess's friends), Jun Mihara, R. Suzuki, Pierre Yamamoto and Ricky (Toro's friends), Miss Kitty (Garfield and Mimi's close friend),Asparagus and Grizabella (Penelope's Sisters), Rumpus and Mistoffeless (Penelope's Brothers), Tillie Hippo (Sawyer's friend),Lola (Garfield and Mimi's odd friend),
Other relatives and family friends not included in the meme, due to unavaillible pics or just plain running out of room, are the following:
Danny Cat (Cats Don't Dance)(sons-in-law), Mr. Jinks (Garfield, Mimi, Snooper, Sawyer, Felix, and Toro's family friend), Muffin (Lola's Sister),Roma & Rona (Miss Kitty's Twins: younger sister and brother),Mrs. Pussycat (Penelope's Mother), Fancy-Fancy, Choo-Choo, Spook, Brain, and Benny (Top Cat's friends), Brick (Garfield and Mimi's Rival), Oliver (Oliver & Company)(Mr. Jinks's younger Brother and sons-in-law), Wooly, Frances, Cranston, T.W, and Pudge (Sawyer's friends). Arlene (daughters-in-law), Stéphanie (Pat and Stan)(Mr. Jinks's Sister),Biff (Garfield, Mimi, Snooper, Sawyer, Felix, and Toro's mindful friend),Sonja cat (Heathcliff and the Catillac Cats)(Garfield, Mimi, Snooper, Sawyer, Felix, Top Cat, Dazzle, Kitty, Gilly and Toro's cousin), Oggy(Garfield, Mimi, Snooper, Sawyer, Felix, and Toro's family friend), Jack (Oggy's older cousin), Heathcliff (son-in-law), Kitty Kat (daughters-in-law), Sylvester Jr. (Sylvia Cat's son/family friend), Secret Squirrel (Snooper's best friend), Apricot Sandy (Mr. Jinks's Sister), Monica (Oggy's sister and daughters-in-law), Penelope pussycat (Sylvester's wife), Olivia (daughters-in-law),Ed (Garfield, Mimi, Snooper, Sawyer, Felix, and Toro's unlucky friend)
Friday, February 19, 2016
STAN the Blue Stegosaurus
Stan Is An Energetic, Happy Blue Stegosaurus He Likes To Enjoy The Running Around In The Fields! Stan Is Always Friendly!
Thursday, February 18, 2016
twilight sparkle and e.b. wedding has remake
if i'm tried to apologize of this time so i remade for this.
twilight sparkle and e.b.'s wedding
Barde: Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony)
Groom: E.B. (Hop)
Best Men: Fred (Hop), Shining Armor and Big Macintosh (My Little Pony)
Bridemaids: Cow (Cow and Chicken), Sandy Cheek (SpongeBob SquarePants) and Heather (Over the Hedge).
Parents of bride: Twilight Velvet and Night Light (My Little Pony)
Parents of groom: EB’s father (Hop)
Ring bearer: Rigby (Regular Show)
Flower Girl: Kiramotchi (Tamagotchi)
Minster: Elder Furi (Moshi Monsters)
Maid of honor: Princess Cadance (My Little Pony)
Oragan Player: Rowlf the Dog (Muppet Show)
Barde: Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony)
Groom: E.B. (Hop)
Best Men: Fred (Hop), Shining Armor and Big Macintosh (My Little Pony)
Bridemaids: Cow (Cow and Chicken), Sandy Cheek (SpongeBob SquarePants) and Heather (Over the Hedge).
Parents of bride: Twilight Velvet and Night Light (My Little Pony)
Parents of groom: EB’s father (Hop)
Ring bearer: Rigby (Regular Show)
Flower Girl: Kiramotchi (Tamagotchi)
Minster: Elder Furi (Moshi Monsters)
Maid of honor: Princess Cadance (My Little Pony)
Oragan Player: Rowlf the Dog (Muppet Show)
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Little miss Sunshine and Friend's Cupid Capers
Valentines Day 14
A Crossover Bugs bunny's Coupid Caper When Miss Sunshine,The boy's Cruch and Female Hue bird who date for the boys, between the ugly other girls would rival to the side and the girls hold with an anvil to hit those other girls. If C.A. Cupid come here to Miss Hug they met Miss Sunshine and her friends.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
who was been Alone
Valentines Day 13
this is worst story would was lock down by other people, Roger needs to come in for his family or his love but there is Strawberry Kiss. That he was writhing words on the paper.
Friday, February 12, 2016
Bud and Candy double dates
Valentines Day 12
the one like the title Double Date
Bud and pinkie pie meet candy and pinky are in the carnivel
Fluff, Muff and Puff
Thursday, February 11, 2016
CUTIE PIE the Panda
Valentines Day 11
Cutie Pie is the Panda she is Panda Bear's Sister from We Bare Bears.
the all them:
Sugar Pie the Pink Unicorn and Cuddly the bear
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Alphys could fix Mettaton's heart
Valentines Day 10
Two characters from undertales
Two characters from undertales
Alphys will know if she has the ideas of her Science Experiments next jar of hearts so she can help for him.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Brigitte and Parappa Love Raps of Rockin
Valentines Day 9
if you know the songs like the title Love Rap,Brigitte and Parappa in the Winter City Nights and Zoe Trent sings the song.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Grape will be here
she's here now ready for the new year, grapes was the year of the monkey.
and who is her cousin blueberry.
and who is her cousin blueberry.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Miss Sunshine as a Mermaid in the fish place
Miss Sunshine was holding fishes from Rhythm Heaven Fever: Catch of the Day and expect the Goldfish from Mr Bean episode in the fish pond.
for this video:
for this video:
Friday, February 5, 2016
Willow the Gray Tabby Cat
Willow is the Gray Tabby Cat Justice the most sweetest thing, She's Sweet, Kind And Gentle! She Loves Chocolates And Candy And Riding The Sizzler! She Has A Special Crush On Spitz cause he is her boyfriend!
Thursday, February 4, 2016
pairing to you
Valentines Day 4
I Do Apologize That I Forgot To Upload This Picture Of My Cookie and Julep About 2 Years Ago... Cookie and Julep with two hearts.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
A Lombaxs, Raccoons, Cats, and Dogs in The Romantic life
Valentines Day 3
these days four of them are dates in The Romantic Garden
Toro a male Cat,Kian a female Cat,Parappa a male Dog,Brigitte a female Dog,Ratchet a male Lombax,Valrainia a female Lombax,Sly a male Raccoon and Bianca a female Raccoon their dating of them.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Der Fuehrer's Face of the sisters and brothers
Mimi, Dazzle, Sawyey, Top cat, Sooper and Gilly their dressed as Nazi Soldier like with the Armor in Command and Conquer Red Alert 3. Inspired by this outfit of Donald Duck in Disney Nazi propaganda cartoon from 1943, starring Donald Duck: this
Singer: When der führer says we is de master race
We heil heil right in der füehrer's face
Not to love der füehrer is a great disgrace
So we heil heil right in der füehrer's face
Singer: When Herr Göebbels says we own the world and space
We heil heil right in Herr Göebbels' face
When Herr Göring says they'll never bomb dis place
We heil heil right in Herr Göring's face
Mr. Happy: Is he not the supermen
Vulk: Aryan pure supermen
Teslo: Ja we is the supermen
Dribbal: Super duper supermen
Mr. Happy: Is this Nazi land so good
Would you leave it if you could
all three(Vulk,Teslo and Dribbal):Ja this Nazi land is good
Flurr: We would leave it if we could
Dribbal: We bring the world to order
Vulk: Heil Hitler's world to order
Singer: Everyone of foreign race
Will love der fuehrer's face
When we bring to the world dis order
Singer: When der fuehrer says we never will be slaves
We heil (pffft) heil (pffft), but still we work like slaves
While der fuehrer brags and lies and rants and raves
We heil (pffft) heil (pffft), and work into our graves
When der fuehrer says we is de master race
We heil heil right in der fuehrer's face
Not to love der fuehrer is a great disgrace
So we heil heil right in der fuehrer's face
Monday, February 1, 2016
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