Saturday, March 14, 2015

Crossover - Afro hair in College

Based on the scene from Extremely Goofy.

Mrs. Puff(SpongeBob SquarePants): class, so, do you remeber?.
Bubsy Bobcat: (Shoot Spit Balls to Lunk)
Mrs. Puff: So, today this time for you see,
Lunk (Mixels): (He awake) Momme I did't do it
Mrs. Puff: for the only one as sleep.... (she shock)
Parappa (Parappa the Rapper):(He Opened the doors) Hi-ya everybody.
Krader (Mixels): (screams to scared)
Parappa: I'm just in you import for some leaning.
Jake (Adventure Time): (notices and stares to see at him) Ooh, he the one in school.
Parappa: Right on Brother (high five with Eddy from Ed, Edd n Eddy)
Slumbo (Mixels): (stares and see)Hey, Krader, it my great partner.(he ask Krader) it that look like a rapping dog.
Parappa: Krader, hi!
Krader: (Holding Hands on his Shoulders at Slumbo) He'll just Kill Now.
Parappa: (He Walk and Sit Here) Hey, Guys, look like your being will be classmate (Take off his hat turn into his hair Afro) He's my best Cragster friend.
Hello kitty: oh my, that was amazing
Russell Ferguson (Littlest Pet Shop): look at that.
Bucky: what do think.
Tabitha: that was funny.
Twigs: so pretty
Max: yeah!
Ashley: mine too.
Diana (Jewelpats): that's pretty werid
Wander: Wow.
Lunk: let me see.
Halo: that make me feel funny.
All: (all People laughing)
Krader: (confused)
All: (Salanna, Scott from Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, Muffy Crosswire from Arthur, Roxy, Carrie from amazing world of gumball and Pinch Raccoon at the Top. Himespetchi from Tamagotchi friends, Fanboy from Fanboy and Chum Chum, Hoogi from Mixels and Kuromi at the bottom and they laughing)
Krader: (frightened and see them)
All: (Isabelle from Animal Crossing, Jewel from Rio, Leslie from amazing world of gumball, Cow from Cow and Chicken and Margie from Animal Crossing at the Top. Zorch from Mixels, Amiamitchi from Tamagotchi friends, Francine Frensky from Arthur, Darwin Watterson from The Amazing World of Gumball and Pinky at the middle. Tweety from Looney Tunes, Alan Powers (The Brain) from Arthur, Dakota from Total Drama: Revenge and Zaptor from Mixels at the bottom and they laughing)
Johnny Worthington (Monsters University): That is a little Baby could be alone.
Krader: (confused and Scream Out Loud) Nooooooooo!

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