Monday, August 18, 2014

Mixels story

four Mixels Babies Inspired by Baby Chipettes form the episode

when Several years ago Ms. Muriel P. Finster the owner of the orphanage, was forcing children to sing. Kai, Cole, Jay, Lloyd, Nya and Zane as the childens found Kraw in a cup of water, Teslo playing with his Herman the cybug, and Flain and Flurr in Toralei Stripe's jewelry box finding the cubit (which they are not allowed to do, or Ms. Finster would keep them at the orphanage forever). That night, Ms. Finster makes Jay scrub the bathroom with the Four Mixels' help hoping that they one day can go to America, which Zane says is a land of opportunity and liberty. After hours of cleaning, Kai didn't get any sleep and is forced to give up her charm bracelet so Toralei Stripe wouldn't tell that the four Mixels sing. After finding out, the boys try to get Nya's bracelet back, which ends up getting Kai, Cole, Jay, Lloyd, Nya and Zane in trouble and they have to reveal who they are. Kai gets adopted and is unable find the boys as he's leaving because they were tied up and locked away by Toralei Stripe and Ms. Finster.

Flain: It was All that Greedy Ms. Finster.

Young Woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: All Together now!

Pororo and his friends, The Backyardigans, South Park Junior and Total Drama Kids: *sing horrible when they're out of tune* Old MACDONALD had a farm

Young Woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: [she stopped the music and yelled] No! No! way! you'll all tune is difficile, No ones going to pay with me of singing from! Now, Follow like me. [She sing] Old MACDONALD had a farm E-I-E-I-O
And on his farm he had a pig
With a oink oink here
And a oink oink there
Here a oink, there a oink
Everywhere a oink oink
Pororo and his friends, The Backyardigans, South Park Junior and Total Drama Kids: Old MACDONALD had a farm E-I-E-I-O 
And on his farm he had a pig
With a oink oink here
And a oink oink there
Here a oink, there a oink
Everywhere a oink oink

young Kai: [Kai is searching] Flain, Flurr, Kraw, Teslo. Hurry up, Ms. Finster will kill us and we're not in bed when he's comes out.

Baby Kraw: whoa [He Fall into the cup]
young Jay: Oh no!

(Kraw is in the cup, Jay pick him up out off the cup.) 
young Jay: Oh Kraw, your quite as side.

Baby Kraw: i'm sorry, Jay.

young Zane: now where's Teslo.

Baby Teslo: Here I'am. 

(Kai, Jay, Cole and Zane walk at here down there)
Baby Teslo: I was playing with my friend Herman.[Teslo holding the Hatchling Cy-Bug]

(Kai, Jay, Cole and Zane Screams and Shocks.)

young Zane: Teslo! put Herman down.

Baby Teslo: Sorry, Zane. [Teslo drop the Cy-Bug down]

young Zane: Now Quickly, where's Flain and Flurr.

(Toralei Stripe's jewelry box is Shaking inside)

Baby Flain: Keep going and find for it.

Baby Flurr: Flain! i'm Looking for this.

(and opened  finds a Two Cubits.)

Baby Flain and Baby Flurr: TA-DA!

young Kai: Flain?, Flurr?, it's not real cubits it's earrings. you know your digging in Toralei's jewelry box?

Baby Flurr: But, i like to play with me and Flain when i say.

Baby Flain: then what else do you to say.

young Zane: I told you if Ms. Finster Knows you can sing, she'll put you in her singing off in school have been keep for hear forever.

young Toralei Stripe: Maybe your should tell us, i know to sing. 

Baby Flain: Back off Sister. 

Young Woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: I heard that, kids! [Cy-Bug at her shirt to get inside and start screaming.] it a bug. get out, get out,[look in her cloth with her arms and shake inside she screams] get out, get out.

(young Nya to take four of them put in the box and hide underneath the bed.)

Young Woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: [she screams and Cy-Bug down out of her skirt] oh messy, messy. [she yelling at them] NYA?!?, KAI?!?, COLE?!?, LLOYD?!?, JAY?!? and ZANE?!?

young Nya, Kai, Cole, Lloyd, Jay and Zane: yes Ms. Finster?.

Young Woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: since you have such a frash mouth you can srub the bathroom tonight!.

young Nya, Kai, Cole, Lloyd, Jay and Zane: yes Ms. Finster.

(four babies and six kids to srub the bathroom to keep clean.)

young Jay: That was close.

young Zane: we got hope leave Toralei, Won't tell Ms. Finster you can sing.

Baby Flain: [Flain skating slide with sponge] i'm sorry, Zane.[and stopped] But Toralei make so mad.

Baby Teslo: Whoaao

Baby Flurr: huh?

Baby Kraw: Whaaooh 

(Teslo fall bump at Kraw and fell down on a soap, Flain skating again)

Baby Flain: Kraw [falls and bump to it and crashing.] Oof!

(They get all wet the buket spilled on the floor)

 Baby Teslo: Sorry.

young Zane: some day will (pick them up and rubing them) get far away thought Ms. Finster, maybe to America.

Baby Kraw: America?

young Kai: [he smiled at Teslo.] in America the sreets are made with golds and temple of made of candy canes and all your dreams come true.

Baby Flain: Let go now. 

young Zane: we can't go now, but one day we will.

(After hours of cleaning the bathroom already and they are very tired.)

young Cole: well it looks clean to me, how about you guy.

Baby Flurr and Flain: Sparkles.

Baby Kraw: you could clean of it.

Baby Teslo: could be cleaner.

young Kai: and let's go to bed.

(they climbing on his arms,he walk to the bedroom with her four kids when to sleep, Kai and Nya put them to the box and underneath the bed.)

young Kai and Nya: Goodnight, Boys.

(She to her bed to sleep and he when to his bed to sleep)

Young Woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: [she On the light and rings the bell] Everybody Up!,time for singing practice. 
(They shocks and awake.)

Young Woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: Hmph, you'll all make money of disgrup yet?

(He dipressing on his bed.)

Pororo and his friends, The Backyardigans, South Park Junior and Total Drama Kids: *sing horrible when they're out of tune* Old MACDONALD had a farm

Young Woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: [she stopped the music and yelled] NO! NO! [she bored] oooh. what i wouldn't get but one Rythme sing at in this thought, it gose like this.[She sing] Old MACDONALD had a farm E-I-E-I-O
Pororo and his friends, The Backyardigans, South Park Junior and Total Drama Kids: Old MACDONALD had a farm E-I-E-I-O 

young Toralei Stripe: gee, Nya i'll bet Ms. Finster would love little road in sing?

young Nya: Oh you must please, I'll Give you anything you want.[she see her bracelet on her arm.]

young Toralei Stripe: I want this charm bracelet.

young Nya: But, it was give from my mother.

young Toralei Stripe: Ms. Finster!!

(she give her back. Kiki the Kangaroo is hoping, four Mixels babies in kiki's kangaroo pouch.)

Baby Teslo: Faster Kik,i Faster.

Baby Kraw: Help, Help.

Baby Flurr: I'm scared.

Baby Flain: Slow down, Kiki.

young Nya: Boys!, hurry.

(she stopped and hop to here out of the pouch and to the window.)

young Cole: What do you think.

young Nya: Remeber, Today adoption day.

young Toralei Stripe: I can't bevile i gave your mom's bracelet just gave those for all me thanks.

Baby Flurr: gave up you.

young Toralei Stripe: Who are is it keep you quiet for awlide.

(They Tipping-toe walking to it.)

Baby Flain: Did you hear that, we've got to get Nya's bracelet back.

Baby Teslo: But how.

Baby Flurr: Fellow me.

(she sit on the bed to take off her coat, They look at her)

Baby Flain: Now.

(They jump down Kraw falls down and pull Flain take the bracelet off and Teslo falling and fail.)

Baby Teslo: Rats.

young Toralei Stripe: Get off of me.

young Nya: Flain, Kraw, Stop it.

(Flain hold the bracelet,and Shaking her head.)

Baby Kraw: Hurry, Flain.
Baby Flain: Got it.

(Flain take the bracelet off out of her head falls and runs out.)

young Toralei Stripe: Will Get you, You little Brat.

Baby Kraw: OOF!
young Nya: Stop, Toralei. 

young Toralei Stripe: ooh, Get Out off my Way.

(Flain run faster hold the bracelet in his hand)

young Toralei Stripe: Come back here you miserable little Mixel!

(he run to it and stoped at her, she take and go there,

Baby Flain: Catch it, Flurr. (He Throws off.)

Baby Flurr: (gave it to him.) I Got it!

(Flurr hold in his mouth)

(he fly right here and take him he throw)

young Toralei Stripe: well give me back my bracelet.

(to Teslo and run.)

young Toralei Stripe: will you.

(Kai, Cole, Jay, Lloyd and Zane will runs look at her.)

(he get in to the wardrobe, she dig the chlotes.)

young Toralei Stripe: When get my heads on that roll it.

(he open to the case.)

young Nya: that's enough stop it, please.

Young Woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: What going on in here, go downstairs at once.

(Kai, Cole, Jay, Lloyd, Nya and Zane will walk away.)

young Toralei Stripe: it wasn't my fault Ms. Finster, Nya rob stole my bracelet.

Baby Flain: It's not your bracelet.

Young Woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: so they can talk.

young Toralei Stripe: so they can sing real for mix pretty too, i heard that myself.

Young Woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: little Mixels?..Hmm there maybe usful are after all, Take care of them Toralei.

(hold  4 them with her hands)

Mixels Babies: No,No.

see it

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