Saturday, July 26, 2014

Brave the little purple dog part 2

Back at the living room, Zoe heard Young Mametchi crying from he attic. Zoe looked down sadly, knowing that it wasn't their master. Squidward  is a little upset as well as Homestar kept on asking, "Well, was it him?" Zoe, Squeak, Buzz Lightyear, Slinky Dog, Hamm, Rex, Crash bandicoot, Coco bandicoot, Earthworm Jim, Toro, Kian, Parappa, Brigitte, Ratchet, Talwyn, Milli and Squidward glared at him, "I'm just curious asking weather or not it was him. I hate being left alone in the dark you know," Mighty Ray, Milli and Squidward watched Young Mametchi gliding down, crying a little.
"Meru-Meru-Me~…" Ponygon responded as he follows Young Mametchi sadly.
"I guess we can assume it wasn't him, right?" Homestar asked as ZoeSqueakMilli and Squidward glared at him.
"Let's get back to work," Zoe said. The paw pushed the stool back to the kitchen, while Squidward pushed the trunk back to the closet with Milli giving him a hand. "Sorry for that little interruption folks," Mighty Ray said, on the trunk, "We'll return to our regularly schedule program." Zoe watched her friends putting everything away until she heard Young Mametchi sniffing and crying. Zoe, on the other hand, glared up at him as Young Mametchi walked out of the room with Ponygon following him, holding a picture of Vanellope. Young Mametchi looked at it as Milli timidly came up to him. "Don't worry Young Mametchi, we could—" but before Milli could finish, Young Mametchi began to cry loudly at her making her jump a bit. Ponygon tries to calm him down. "Meru-Meru-Me~"
Squidward mumbled for a moment until he had enough after seeing Milli getting screamed at, "Cry, cry, weep, wail and sob! It's disgusting! Every time I can't believe it! Every single time and you screamed at my kid…give me that stupid picture!" Squidward grabbed the picture, but Young Mametchi refused to let go.
"No, no!" Young Mametchi yelled.
"Meru-Meru-Me~!" Ponygon yelled in agreement as he grabs hold of Young Mametchi's cloak with his mouth trying to help him.
"I'll just put it away," said Zoe.
"In the garbage!" Squidward snapped.
"Yeah." agree Talwyn.
" That's Right." agree Kian.
"No, you can't!" Young Mametchi yelled, pulling the picture away from the blue man.
"Wimp!" Squidward yelled.
"Let go!" Zoe ordered.
"She's not coming back anyway!" Squidward refused to let go.
" Hey Where are thay," said Dukey.
"She might, the act is that there's not enough facts," said Homestar. Young Mametch and Squidward with Ponygon aiding Young Mametchi kept pulling the picture like playing a tug-o-war. Mighty Ray began announcing like there's a match going on, but Homestar bonked him on the head again. Everyone pulled the picture away, but it flew and landed on the floor, shattering the frame glass. The toons gasped; they looked sadly at the picture. Suddenly, Zoe and Squeak heard laughing and notice specks of blue light from Demongo; the Dog and Mouse glared at him, "What are you laughing at?"
Demongo stopped and smiled, "Absolutely nothing, nothing at all."
"I think he was laughing at us," said Homestar.
"You know something, you're a gullible little no-armed athlete," said Demongo.
"Oh thanks," Homestar said, but he glared at the demon, knowing what he really means, "Hey!"
"You guys really have an attachment for that kid, don't you?" Demongo asked.
"Yes, she was our master," Young Mametchi hugged the picture and Ponygon.
"Well that's real nice and any day now, she might come romping back. Just come whistling back in trough that door and everything will be that same real peachy keen like," Demongo smiled gently, as Young Mametchi and Ponygon nodded.
"It's a possibility," said Homestar.
"Well, we'd try to be optimistic, believe it," said Zoe as Squeak nodded in agreement.
"Optimistic?" Demongo snapped making the dog and mouse jump, "Somebody untie the knot in this gal's antennas!"
"Why don't you just shut up!" Squidward snapped as Milli nodded in agreement.
"Hey I'm real scared there Squidward. What are you going to do, use the scepter on me?" Demongo asked as Squidward huffed, "What is it with you toons anyway? You act like you just came off the assembly line. Now get this through your heads. We've been dumped, abandon!"
"But she loved us," said Young Mametchi.
"That's right," Mighty Ray nodded.
"Meru -Me~" Ponygon puts in.
"So what? She's a kid; she has a family. They move away, she moves away; it's a package deal," said Demongo.
"But maybe there…" Zoe said.
"She's not coming back pure and simple!" Demongo finished.
"Oh yeah, did you talk to her recently or something? They can drive up any second!" said Squidward.
"You really think so?" Young Mametchi  asked, smiling.
"I'm not talking to you!" Squidward snapped.
"Meru-Meru-Me~?" Polygon asks Milli.
Milli just shook her head. "I don't think so."
"The whole bunch you got to have a combine wan age of eight, maybe less. It's been years; it's shedding fur time," said Demongo.
Zoe glared at him, "Well, you can do what you like. We're not going to give up hope."
"That's real touching Zoe Trent, you're going to get me bawling like a baby anytime now," said Demongo.
"I think you're jealous," Squeak smirked.
"Sure, I'm jealous of a bunch of dimwits," Demongo glared at them.
"Dim?" Homestar snapped.
"Yeah, because the master never played with you," said Coco.
"Because you're nothing but a cold-hearted demon!" Squidward added as Milli nodded in agreement.
Demongo's temper began to rise and powers go slightly mad due to the insult, "So, it's back to that stupid insult again. You think I don't know what's going on in here? I know what goes on in this cottage. It's a conspiracy and everyone of you low watts is in on it just cause you can move around not angry and have controlled powers, you think you're better than I am! I'M NOT AN INVOLET I WAS CREATED TO LOSE MY TEMPER AND CONTROL OF MY POWERS! I LIKE TO LOSE MY STUPID TEMPER AND MY CONTROL OF MY POWERS! I CAN'T HELP IT IF THE KID WAS TO SHORT TO PLAY WITH ME!"
"We didn't mean it, really!" Zoe yelled, but Demongo began to lose his temper and control of his powers simultaneously.
"IT'S MY FUNCTION!" Demongo screamed.
"Don't! Wait, wait!" Zoe yelled, but Demongo really lost it.
"He's gonna blow!" Squidward screamed immediately scooping up Milli and taking cover.
"Take cover!" Zoe yelled. Demongo began screaming, losing his temper and powers going berserk, until everything stopped with the explosion of light. Everyone got out of their hiding spot and saw Demongo, who passed out due to his temper and power control loss.
"Poor Demongo," said Young Mametchi.
"Meru-Meru-Me~…" Ponygon added.
"I didn't know he take it so hard," said Zoe.
"Well, he was a jerk anyway," Squidward growled still holding Milli tightly close to him protectively.
"Hey, hey what's that? What is it?" Homestar asked, hearing something.
The other heard it until Young Mametchi spoke, "A car."
"I don't want to hear another word about cars!" Squidward yelled.
"You said it," Milli added.
"Sounds pretty close," said Mighty Ray.
Squidward glared at the short young man, "Just don't even start!"
"Sounds real close," said Homestar. They all heard the car parking near the cottage and heard the car door slam. The toons gasped and dashed back to their placed, hoping that their master is coming back. Everything is quiet, until they all heard something knocking outside. The toons looked out the window and saw a person, hammering down a sign that says, 'for sale.' They gasped in shock as the sign in pinned down on the ground. Demongo was right; their master isn't coming back ever. Young Mametchi began crying while Homestar whined. Zoe began to think for a moment; she had enough.
"Stop it!" Zoe snapped as pushed out the box, "We're going out to find him."
The others gasped, "What are you talking about? What do you mean?" Squidward asked.
"Yeah." added Milli.
"Exactly what I said; we're going out and find the master," Zoe explained.
"To the city?" Young Mametchi asked.
"Meru-Meru-Me~?" Ponygon asked as well.
"Yeah, no matter what!" Zoe answered.
"How exactly would you purpose we're going to do that exactly?" Homestar asked.
"I…I don't know!" said Zoe.
"Oh come off it, be serious!" said Squidward.
Zoe glared at him, "I am serious!"
"You're insane!" Squidward backed away taking Milli with him.
"Why if only we were eagles, our problems will be solved," said Mighty Ray.
The other stared at him oddly, "What?" Zoe asked.
"Or maybe is was an albatross."
"You're all insane!" Squidward keeps backed away taking Milli with him.
"It was a newsflash I pick up yesterday," Mighty Ray began to work on the news, "In an amazing show of loyalty and courage, a canary bird name Tweety traveled hundreds of miles to be reunited with his master. Poor little yellow bird was accidentally left behind on a fishing trip weeks ago and had to find his way across rugged mountain heat and scorching deserts in order to get home. Tweety turned out to be a one spunky canary."
"If a canary can do it, we can do it," said Zoe.
"But a canary has wings and it can fly," said Petrie.
"Don't be a wet Mametchi ," said Zoe.
"Actually, wings can help too, you know," said Homestar.
"Brains wouldn't hurt either," said Squidward.
"Hey, lay off!" Homestar snapped, glaring at Squidward.
"Yeah, pipe down top-hatted wizard," Mighty Ray added.
"Well, I'm going with or without you," said Zoe.
"I'd say we stay. We'll have a new master anyway as soon as someone buys the cottage," said Squidward.
"Yeah," Milli agreed with Squidward just wanting to stay loyal to him.
"But I don't want a new master, I want our master," Young Mametchi whined holding on Zoe's arm.
"Meru-Meru-Me~," Ponygon added.
"Well, what about the rest of you?" Zoe asked the others.
"You guys are going to need a leader!" said Mighty Ray, "Alone, you wouldn't last for five minutes out there. I used to be a mountaineer and together, we can stand against the forces of nature!"
"Are you really a mountaineer?" Homestar asked.
"Sure, ask anybody, ask Teddy Roosevelt," Mighty Ray replied.
"Wow! Well, you know I was thinking you guys need somebody tough along too," said Homestar.
"Good idea," Zoe smiled.
"Listen to this, World War II the invasion and who's there but Homestar to lead the way," said Mighty Ray. They all stared at Squidward, who just stood there and looked away as Milli just stood there in question.
"You know, I thought it'd be good to have somebody come along who's really strong," said Zoe.
"And brave," added Squeak.
"And loud!" Homestar said, glaring at him.
"And compaired." added Brigitte.
"And life." added Kian
"And popular." added Talwyn
"And grumpy!" Young Mametchi added. 
"Meru-Meru-Me~," Ponygon added.
"And oblivious to reality," Mighty Ray finished.
Zoe pushed them aside, "Well?"
Squidward thought for a second and walk towards them, still not happy and rolled his eyes, "I just know that I'm going to regret this…" then he turned to Milli. "You coming with me?"

"Yes, Master," Milli responded timidly as she comes to Squidward. The others cheered for Squidward and Milli. Now that everyone has agreed, they need to find a way to leave and go out to the city to find their master, no matter what.

End of Chapter 2.

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