Bio: Able to read minds via his telepathic wiggle-stalk, Dr. C. Fingz is the Rhapsody 2’s chief medical officer. When he’s not bandaging up battered Zoshlings, this fuzzy fella uses his powers to communicate with alien beings across the swooniverse. The good doctor can even temporarily extract talent from other critters, so one minute he can move like Bobbi SingSong, the next he can sing like Zack Binspin.
Did you know that Dr. C. Fings can read your mind? Just play mission 4 to see "The Great Zoshlingo" in action at the Cirque Du BonBon. If you're not already a Super Moshi, find out how you can join the ranks by clicking the Super Moshi badge.
Don't forget to comment on THIS blog and tell me what word is hidden in the Nifty Shifty puzzle, and a few of you will get some Random Rox. Use the decoded word as a CODE to receive a FREE item, courtesy of Dr. C. Fings. The doctor says to drink your free item to improve your mental clarity. Zoinga zoinga!
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