It’s Friday, new tunes have debuted, and LOL Surprise Remix dolls are OFFICIALLY HERE! What more could you ask for?
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Let’s hear some music
It’s Friday, new tunes have debuted, and LOL Surprise Remix dolls are OFFICIALLY HERE! What more could you ask for?
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Friday, September 25, 2020
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Birthday treats
Birthdays might be a little different in 2020, but at least we can celebrate with a McFlurry. Happy 25th, McDonald's McFlurry!
The student of the grade
Head over to the University of Minutia for the New Semester! 👩🏫 Help Theoretical Rose with all tasks and she’ll make science puns on your team forever! 🧪
Last longer ways
There's still time to vote for your sweet friend, My Melody!
Visit Sanrio Character Ranking: to cast your vote everyday from now until June 10th!
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Monday, September 21, 2020
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Friday, September 18, 2020
two days back to school
The Mr. Men & Little Misses hope everyone's first couple of weeks back at school have been going well 🌟 Do you know a teacher that's as perfect as Mr. Perfect? 💙 📸: @mr.menlittle.miss on Instagram
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Princess Mayapple daughter of the Anastasia Tremaine
Monday, September 14, 2020
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Friday, September 11, 2020
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Rock of the beat
Help Glam Rock Gordon perfect his new drum solo with a Rock Rehearsal! 🥁 Finish 30 Adventures with Glam Rock Gordon and he’ll jam with your team forever. Rock on! 🤘
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Friday, September 4, 2020
Thursday, September 3, 2020
The Strange Case of Dr. Annabell and Ms. Pretty
Bloody Bunny (voiceover): [Narrating] If one dare listens, then one dare hears. A tale to rouse your secret fears. Tarry not! For this story ain't fancy. The tale of Dr. Annabell and Ms. Pretty.
[Camera slowly pushes into an old beat up wooden door surrounded by the old brick and stone building it provides entrance to. We hear lightning flash and thunder sounds. Camera stops. Pause. Door creaks open slowly.]
Ms. Pretty: [A slim pink furr girl in a pointy ear cat, a yellow collar and a pink leisure suit slowly peeks her head out, looks around and then walk off. She's carrying a boom box. She gots into the middle of the alley and puts the boom box down. She pressed the play button and danced.]
[As people gather around to see Ms. Pretty's dancing, Camera switches to a pair of female eyes. Bloody Bunny, not all the hair covers young lady is watching them. She is a bit concerned/unsettled.]
Bloody Bunny: Hmm...
Unikitty: [enters the room, dressed as a butler and carrying a tray with a tea set on top] Your tea, Ms Bloody.
Bloody Bunny: [turns to face her] There'll no tea today, Unikitty. Besides I'm not much of a tea person. But I digress. [turns back to the window] There's trouble brewing.
Unikitty: What? There was no trouble brewing, ma'am. I just heated up some water and-- [might work for you to just look at the tea pot quizzically with no comment]
Bloody Bunny: [confused look on his face] Wha-? No not the tea Unikitty. not the tea! {turns to face the alley out the window again] It's that person in the alley.
Unikitty:[joins Bloody Bunny in looking out the window. They saw Ms. Pretty dancing in the alley as the crowd watching her.]
Bloody Bunny: Something's not right with how she looks...Something unsettling...Something that's just not normal.Destestable.
Puppycorn: [arrived, dressed as a butler and look into the window, saw Ms. Pretty and the crowd in the alley]
[Disco music has stopped, and the crowd gathered around Ms. Pretty applauds]
Puppycorn: I watched her dance last night. She looks a little weird, but she's got some great moves.
Ms. Pretty: [bows and takes in the adulation and then picks up her boom box and retreats into the alley way door, poking her head out and smiling goofily under her yellow collar.]
Bloody Bunny: [turns to her butler and maid] That's where y'all are wrong, my friends. Don't let her fancy footwork fool you! [turns back around to see Ms. Pretty going through the alleyway door] Ah! She's heading into Dr. Annabelle's house!
[A thunderclap is heard and a flash of lightning is seen against the back of a large brick house.]
Bloody Bunny: [turning to walk away from the window] Unikitty, Puppycorn, C'mon! We need to warn the doctor. [heads out the door]
Unikitty, and Puppycorn: [remained behind]
Unikitty: [sets down the tea set] Okay. [turn to Puppycorn] C'mon, Puppycorn, let's go.
Puppycorn: Right.
Unikitty and Puppycorn: [ran and follow Bloody Bunny]
[Later outside of Dr. Annabelle's house]
[CU on Door as we see a big bear's claw reach in and knock rapidly on the door. Bear's claw retreats off screen as we cut to medium shot of Bloody Bunny standing at the door.]
Bloody Bunny: Ahh!
Unikitty and Puppycorn: [arrived]
Puppycorn: What happened?
Bloody Bunny: The bear paw!
Unikitty and Puppycorn: [confused] What?
[Just then the door opens. It's Dr. Annabelle the pink furr cat with dark gray eyes and with yellow hairbow on her head. She is also fat and wearing a light yellow bath robe bottom of it yellow skirt with light red hearts. yellow bow with heart on her tail and out of breath. We can see she's a bit nervous.]
Dr. Annabelle: (breathing heavy) Oh. Bloody, can I help you?
Bloody Bunny: {with an expression of minor relief] Dr. Annabelle! Thank goodness you're all right!
Dr. Annabelle: Well yeah, I...
Bloody Bunny, Unikitty and Puppycorn: [entered the house]
Bloody Bunny: Forgive us for barging in, but we've come to warn you! A crazy disco dancin' girl ducked through your back door!
[Dr. Annabelle isn't stunned by the news. She continues, however, to look uncomfortable.]
Dr. Annabelle: ... Oh... Yeah... Well... You must mean Ms. Pretty.
Bloody Bunny: [slightly confused] Ms. Pretty?
Dr. Annabelle: [smiles] Oh yeah! Man, can that girl dance, or what?
Puppycorn: [smiles big] Yeah! Didn't I tell ya?.. That little thing she does with her hips...She's got to be the best dancer in the whole world!
Unikitty: [winks at him] That's right, Puppycorn.
Bloody Bunny: [totally in shock} What!? You mean you're friends with that person?
Dr. Annabelle:...Well.. Yeah... I mean... you gotta like a girl who can dance like that...right?
[Dr. Annabelle is searching for approval...]
Unikitty: Well... I suppose...
Dr. Annabelle: I know I could never dance like that. I mean, just look at me... I'm too Jiggly.
[Dr. Annabelle jiggles her belly. Puppycorn opens his mouth as if to answer, when suddenly, lights dim slightly, taking on a theatrical feel. Bloody Bunny, Unikitty and Puppycorn freeze in place as Dr. Annabelle has her special moment with the viewer. Dr. Annabelle gets all sentimental as she starts to sing... The melody of the music subtly resembles the melody of the disco music...]
Dr. Annabelle: (singing)
Ever since I was a little girl
In widely tailored pants
My only aspiration was to be a girl... who danced.
But for what it's worth
My portly girth
Only served to make folks giggle
'Cuz the more I moved
The more I proved
All I could do was... jiggle.
[Music Ramps up to uplifting/cheesy waltz.]
Dr. Annabelle: (continue singing) I want to dance!
I want to groove!
I need to feel
The rush!
Of the wind!
Under my shoes!
[Music retards for slow/cheesy resolve]
Dr. Annabelle: (continue singing) I want to dance...
(finished singing)
[Lights back up. Dr. Annabelle remains posed with a dreamy Broadway look. Bloody Bunny, Unikitty and Puppycorn"unfreeze." He looks confused...]
Puppycorn: ...What was I saying?
Bloody Bunny: Barometer must be rising. My joints are locking up.
Dr. Annabelle: [snaps out of her dreamy state and smiles at them] Yep. I think Ms. Pretty is great... On account of her non-jiggly wonderful dancing... and all... You guys would really like her. I know you would!
Bloody Bunny: Look...Dr. Annabelle, maybe I was a bit harsh on this Ms. Pretty friend of yours. Maybe I owe her an apology. Would you mind introducing us?
Dr. Annabelle:[becomes very nervous]Ahh, no! I-I'm afraid that's not possible! You see, she's real busy!
Bloody Bunny: But--
Dr. Annabelle: Now if you'll excuse me, ladies and gentleman, I have work to do. Gotta do doctor's stuff. [ushers Bloody Bunny, Unikitty and Puppycorn out the door] Bye! [slam the door closed, leaving Bloody Bunny, Unikitty and Puppycorn outside.]
Unikitty and Puppycorn: [yelling to be heard through the door] G'night!
Bloody Bunny: [very worried] Poor Dr. Annabelle. Something's telling me she's in trouble. And I suspect that this is no small fault of that new friend of hers.
[Unikitty and Puppycorn look concerned]
Bloody Bunny: If she's gonna be Ms. Pretty, I gonna be Mrs Sneaky. [walks away]
Unikitty and Puppycorn: [gave a knowing nod to the statement, but then realizes they don't get it] Huh?
[The next night]
[CU on a bear feet quickly walking on cobblestone. Feet stop. Cut to wide shot of Bloody Bunny. He looks around and down at her feet. She freaks out.]
Bloody Bunny: AHHH!
Unikitty and Puppycorn: [comes walking in]
Unikitty: [carrying an envelope]
[We see that our 3 investigators are standing just around the corner from Dr. Annabelle's alley-way door.]
Unikitty: What?
Bloody Bunny: The bear feet!
Unikitty and Puppycorn: What?
[Just then, we hear a door creek open.]
Bloody Bunny: [whispering] Ok. That's her. Y'all got it?
Unikitty: [whispering] Yeah. I got it.
Bloody Bunny: [calmly] Good. Now remember. Y'all give Ms. Pretty the invitation before she starts dancing. Once she finishes, we'll go back to my house and have a nice over hot chocolate. [Fiercely but determined] Then we'll see what she's got up her sleeve!
Unikitty and Puppycorn: Got it.
[They peek around the corner to see Ms. Pretty setting up her boom box]
Bloody Bunny: [whisper] Ok. Go!
Unikitty: [walks around the corner with invitation in hand]
Ms. Pretty: [notices her coming and quickly presses the "play" button on the boom box. Disco music starts up. She starts to groove.]
Unikitty: [stops in her tracks, realizing the plan is off track. She looks disappointed, but then slowly starts to succumb to the beat. She gradually works up to a feverous dancing pitch.]
Unikitty and Ms. Pretty: [dancing up a storm]
Bloody Bunny: [approaches in frustration] Unikitty!
Puppycorn: [approaches along with Bloody Bunny] Oh no!
The crowd: [starts to form as the 2 dancers boogie down.]
Ms. Pretty: [spins herself like a tornada]
Unikitty: [did the same as Ms. Pretty did]
Ms. Pretty: [stop spinning, picks up his boom box, turns it off and slips through the door]
Unikitty: [still spinning herself without stopping!]
Bloody Bunny: [facepalm] Oy...
[Her and Puppycorn approach Unikitty who is still spinning like a tornado]
Unikitty: [still spinning, suck them in and they spinning around until they knocked to the door and stopped spinning. They slide down to the ground]
The crowd: [clapped their hands]
Unikitty: [waves the invitation envelope in front of the people with a smile]
Bloody Bunny & Puppycorn: [crosses arms and looks at Unikitty crossly]
Unikitty: [sees this and places envelope down]
Bloody Bunny: [sighs in frustration and shakes head]
[The next next night...]
[CU on a bear paw holding a pocket watch. Mysterious score plays. The watch reads 11:58. Cut to medium shot of Bloody Bunny]
Bloody Bunny: Ahh!
Unikitty and Puppycorn: [walked in alongside of Bloody Bunny]
Unikitty: What's wrong?
Bloody Bunny: [scatterbrained] The wa...the paw...[stomps foot] Oh, forget it!
Puppycorn: [nods in "never-minding"]
Unikitty: What time is it?
Bloody Bunny: It's 11:58. Ms. Pretty will be out at any minute. Unikitty and Puppycorn, this might be the last chance we get. No one's seen or heard from Dr. Annabelle in two days. It's no more Miss Nice Girl here. When Pretty comes out, we catch her, simple as that. Comprendo?
[Unikitty and Puppycorn are about to answer but just then, over their shoulders, we see a light go on in Dr. Annabelle's house. Bloody Bunny notices...]
Bloody Bunny: [gasps]
Unikitty and Puppycorn: [look around to the open window. Dr. Annabelle walks by the window.]
Bloody Bunny, Unikitty and Puppycorn: [calls out] Dr. Annabelle!
Dr. Annabelle: [stops and looks slowly out the window. She does not look well. She seems nervous, once again, to see Bloody Bunny, Unikitty and Puppycorn. We see only her head and the top part of her body.] Oh...Good evening, ladies and gentleman.
Bloody Bunny: [calling up] I hope you're doing all right Annie!
Dr. Annabelle: I've been feelin' a little woozy lately.
Bloody Bunny: Look doc! Why don't you come out here with us? We're about to watch your friend dance!
Unikitty and Puppycorn: [nod in agreement]
Dr. Annabelle: [looks nervous]
Bloody Bunny: And believe me it's good to get outside and get your circulation pumping.
Dr. Annabelle: Well.. I...[Suddenly, her face goes into spasms and she starts to contort. She squeaks out in pain. She makes gutteral painful noises.]
Bloody Bunny, Unikitty and Puppycorn: [became terrified. What's happening to the Dr.?]
Dr. Annabelle: [falls down and out of sight in her struggle] Ahhhhh!
Bloody Bunny, Unikitty and Puppycorn: [yelling with their terrified looks] DR. ANNABELLE!!!
[Just then, Disco music starts up.]
Bloody Bunny, Unikitty and Puppycorn: [quickly round the corner to see Ms. Pretty emerge from the alley way door carrying a boom box and dancing like a mad fool]
The crowd: [begins to gather]
Ms. Pretty: [sets down the boom box and continues to dance.]
Bloody Bunny: [Has had enough of this nonsense. She approaches Ms. Pretty and shuts off the boom box, making everyone gasp] All right you! I ain't playing around anymore! What have you done with the doctor!?
Ms. Pretty: [does not answer. She just stands there and looks around nervously.]
Bloody Bunny: I ask again. What have you done with Dr. Annabelle!?
[Again, no answer from Ms. Pretty. In their close proximity, Bloody notices something. Something familiar...]
Bloody Bunny: Huh? Wait a sec...Those eyes...I know those eyes!
Ms. Pretty: [gulps]
Bloody Bunny: Something so familiar. [approaches her closer] Could it be...?
Ms. Pretty: [In her retreat, she trips over her boom box. She falls backward. She hits to the ground and a Teared her Collar button pops off of her pink leisure shirt. Another button. Another... Pretty's wardrobe explodes off of her as a corset-type undergarment gives way to outward pressure of Dr. Annabelle's girth. Her Yellow Collar also flies revealing the embarrassed Dr. Annabelle.]
The crowd: [gasps]
Dr. Annabelle: [in relief] Ahhhhh...
Bloody Bunny, Unikitty and Puppycorn: [surprised] Dr. Annabelle!
Dr. Annabelle: [looks ashamed]
Bloody Bunny: [totally surprised and confused.] But
[more compassionate] Why?
[Crowd has gathered around Annabelle and Bloody Bunny.]
Dr. Annabelle: [looks around at her onlookers. She begins to explain sadly.] I've been taking dance lessons. All I've ever wanted to do was dance. But I was afraid that people would laugh at me since I've always only been able to jiggle and looking fat.
Bloody Bunny: So you dressed up like that disco diva so people wouldn't laugh at you?
Dr. Annabelle: And so people would like me. You gotta like a girl who can dance and jiggle, right? But, man, did that costume hurt. It was making me feel woozy. I think I bruised my spleen until I shouldn't stop eating too much food.
Unikitty: Dr. Annabelle, we've always like you.
Puppycorn: Jiggle and all! ^^
Dr. Annabelle: Really?
Bloody Bunny: You can bet that wacky wig of yours. And I should apologize. It was wrong of me to judge someone by their appearance. But you don't need that silly spleen bruising get up to dance.
You're special just the way God made you!
Dr. Annabelle: [smiles with happy tears] Really?
Bloody Bunny: [getting an idea] Say...that little move you do with your hips, you wouldn't mind showing an out of date girl how it's done?
Puppycorn: I love that move. [to Bloody Bunny and Unikitty] I've always loved that move.
Bloody Bunny, Unikitty and Puppycorn: [nods in agreement]
Dr. Annabelle: [feels hesitant, but decides to give it a try] But I can't do that.
Bloody Bunny: Come on, An. [smiles]
Dr. Annabelle: [grins] Oh, why not! [paused] Uh, promised not to laugh?
Bloody Bunny: [crosses heart] Cross our hearts! [to the crowd] Stand back! Give her room!
Unikitty: [presses the "play" button on the boom box.]
[Music starts up - tune is a disco-ey version on the song that Annabelle sang earlier (kind of an Abba feel)]
Dr. Annabelle: [wiggles her hips slowly (drum beats in music?) tentatively. She starts to pick up speed and realizes she's able to do it just fine. She smiles big as she wiggles like crazy (like a hula dancer?)] I can do it!
The crowd: [impressed and erupts in applause] Woohoo!
Bloody Bunny: You see Dr. Annabelle? When you know God made you special, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. You can just be yourself!
Unikitty and Puppycorn: Uh huh!
[Song ramps up as Bloody Bunny, Unikitty and Puppycorn start to dance along as the crowd watched joyfully]
Bloody Bunny: [singing] Though your only aspiration was to be a girl who danced!
Dr. Annabelle: [singing] What something I never knew
That I could do in widely tailored pants.
Unikitty: [singing] But for what it's worth
Your portly girth
Puppycorn: [singing] Doesn't want to make me giggle
Bloody Bunny: Though dense when weighed, you're specially made!
Bloody Bunny, Unikitty and Puppycorn: We love our Dr. Annabelle!
Dr. Annabelle: [really starts to boogy as the camera starts to crane up. Everybody's dancing up a disco storm.] I want to dance!
I want to groove!
I need to feel
The rush!
Of the wind!
Under my shoes!
All: [sing along] She wants to dance!
She wants to groove!
She needs to feel
The rush!
Of the wind!
Under her shoes!
[Camera out wide on alley]
All: I want to dance!
[Music ends as fade to black]
The end.
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Look at the poster soon
How do you remix? 🎶🎧🎤🎸 WORLDWIDE presale starts September 15! Listen to Crew Remix NOW:
Cowboy on the way
Howdy ya'll! 🤠 Attend Minutia's first Country Shindig and collect Guitars to win the famous crooner, Country Music Howie! Isn't he just fabulous?
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Two More kindi babies
A few days have more babies
Dill a puppy who is very sweet and sensitive and protective for baby veggies this cute little guy is always having to keep his paws on that clear, He may be innocent, but he has a very short temper. he is bright, fun and always positive, He even asks his friends to tickle him.
who found by Rainbow Kate He is 3 years old
Cinder a dragon. was three and a half years old and is a very happy go lucky girl. she is sweet, gentle and very playful.always has her head in a book during lunch she loves to eat Subway sandwiches and is very passionate to anyone who treats her with love, was very peacefully who loves to meet all sorts of new friends.
who found by Summer Peaches She is 3 years old
Look at the baby veggies if only Summer Peaches can help with the Rainbow Kindi plants
Bob he is a Baby Tomato who wears a cute cloth diaper. three years old.
Larry he is a Baby Cucumber who wears a secondly cloth diaper. two and a half years old.
Archibald he is a Baby Asparagus who wears a confidence cloth diaper. three years old.
lastly Junior the same age of Baby Lou actually warring a Cloth Diaper with safety pin. one year old