Monday, December 30, 2019

Crossword Puzzle of your work

So how many of you are like us and wait till the very last minute to Christmas shop because you assume you can get it all done in one day and then that day comes and you wish you hadn’t waited? 😅 Maybe if we just play a few more word games the crowds won’t be as bad...😰After all, it’s #CrosswordPuzzleDay!

Saturday, December 28, 2019

All of advent calendars

Fiendmas Eve is HERE and the Fiendmas giveaways have ended! Did you get lucky? Don't forget to check your messages! Congratulations to all of the winners. Merry Christmas Eve!

collecting cups

There are stocking fillers galore at Asda this Christmas ✨🎄🎁

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Day 24 Miss Fun and Boris

The twenty fourth day Dragcember with Miss Fun and Boris she always loves his gift so much and also Murfy will be happy at you.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Day 23 with Yukinkotchi and Cosmos

A twenty third day Dragcember with Yukinkotchi and Cosmos he has gift what you love and with Sherbet

More new beanies

Their finally her with Sugar the White Dog

Gale the Penguin
Fudge the Reindeer
and Flurry the Snowman

Saturday, December 21, 2019

look at the fairy tale monsters

Ever a fan of disguises & illusions, the Faesodd Titan supporting Faerie Island chose a discrete locale concealed by billowy clouds to make a home for the newest Element in the Magical class.☁️ What's your favorite detail from Faerie Island?🦋

Day 21 Miss Magic And Zantor

A twenty first day Dragcember with Miss Magic And Zantor she always gift for him that he use his magic cards.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Day 20 Miss Wise and Isaak

almost forget The twentieth day of  Dragcember with Miss Wise and Isaak she has a gift for him and always give her a hug.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Day 19 Mr. Fussy and Darius

The Nineteenth day of Dragcember with Mr. Fussy and Darius of course theirs a special gift for him

What if Kiraritchi Meet Marco

trouble when you've been for silent careful her true with a white dragon sort of casting her out of everything, she has to be extremely witty to stay strong which shows majorily in her personality, no matter if during school or in her freetime.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

What if Miss Wise Meet Isaak

she will be gracefully A perfect green dragon, a pure boy, with a talent that many may need but few may be willing to do.

Day 18 Miss Tidy and Trondo

The eighteenth Day of Dragcember with Miss Tidy and Trondo she has a Mari Blade Kunai Sword to gift for him.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Day 17 Miss Shy and Conan

The seventeenth Day of Dragcember with Miss Shy and Conan she has a gift for him and also the lizard named bruni.

Monday, December 16, 2019

she has new name

It will renamed after Chearlotte as an offense to the trans community, and her character trait doesn't make since. change her name is Elise she the ice princess penguin girl who uses ice and elsa's adopted daughter.

Day 16 Miss Vain and Thor

The sixteenth Day of Dragcember with Miss Vain and Thor he has a gift for him.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Day 15 Miss Brainy and Cedric

 A Fifteenth Day of Dragcember with Miss Brainy and Cedric she give a new book for him.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Day 14 Mr. Perfect and Andor

The fourteenth Day of Dragcember with Mr. Perfect and Andor he knows love his gift.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Day 13 Mr. Bump and Bubba

The Thirteenth Day of Dragcember with Mr. Bump and Bubba he has a biggest gift and also a First aid kit

Thursday, December 12, 2019

beautiful Gingerbread House for the day

It's #GingerbreadHouseDay! Apparently Mistletoe has a talent for cookie architecture. Now we need to decide which candy to use for all the decorations...if there's any left. Wait. Has anyone seen Rodney? Guard your candy!

Day 12 Miss Sparkle and Zikomo

A twelfth Day of Dragcember with Miss Sparkle and Zikomo to groom their fluffy pet bird the named is Hootie Cutie

My Singing Monsters - Faerie Island (Official Trailer)

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Day 11 Miss Helpful and Nestor

A eleventh Day of Dragcember with Miss Helpful and Nestor they build of The unfinished Nativity Scene

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Christmas comes to town

Help Elf Carmen and Santa Terry clean up after the Slugs and match each present to the right Fiend by completing tasks! Beat all tasks and earn the super cute and festive Elf Carmen! 🎄

Day 10 Mr. Quiet and Lateef

A tenth Day of Dragcember with Mr. Quiet and Lateef he has gift for him there is a terrible Stinky Skunk.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Day 9 Miss Princess and Titan

The ninth Day of Dragcember with Miss Princess and Titan she always caring for Baby Yoda, he loves to play with her.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Day 8 Miss Daredevil and Gunnar

The eighth Day of Dragcember with Miss Daredevil and Gunnar she has an Alola Vulpix plush for him.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

What if Miss Vain meet Thor

As peacefully polite and beautiful she knows that her mine, along with a yellow dragon helping hands to yourself. Her self-proclaimed to be one of the "most prettiest" who has a french accent and a very vain one too.

Day 7 Mr. Tickle and Nevin

A seventh day of Dragcember with Mr tickle and Nevin however he tickles Migo he like him and that he knows to flight on.

space create

THE MINUTIAN SPACE PROGRAM IS HERE! Make sure you have the latest update by going to! It’s FREE to update!

Need help finding the items to help Astro Ru blast off? Here are the locations of all the hidden objects - stop reading now if you don't want spoilers!

Remember, some of the items may have more than one location! Tap the missing item in the game for a hint that will help determine which location is for you. If you can't find it in one, it's sure to be in the other! Don't forget to wait a second for the item to appear!

Find all of the items and win 10 Gold and 10 Keys!

Read these instructions carefully!!

Item 1 - You'll get this one automatically!

Item 2 - Go to the Stellar Sale Race icon located on the main game screen!

Item 2 Alternative - Visit Ru in the Fiend Shop by going to the Fiendex (orange icon with an insect on it on the main game screen) and selecting the “Collect Them All” icon on the bottom left! If you don’t have her, that’s okay! You don’t have to buy her to find this item!

Item 3 - Go to the Menu > Achievements and then tap on “Defeat the Slugs!”

Item 4 - Go to the Menu > Extra Features > Animations > The Immortal Cockroach. While you’re there, check out the Animations - they’re awesome!

Item 5 - Spin the Fiend of Fortune twice and wait for the timer to appear!

Item 5 Alternative - Check your Player Card in the Menu!

Item 6 - This item is only available during the Baby Slug Event on Wednesdays and Sundays. Check out the Baby Slug Album by raising your first Baby Slug! AGAIN, ONLY AVAILABLE ON WEDNESDAY OR SUNDAY! You may have to grow a Baby Slug before the item will appear!

Item 6 Alternative - Check the Daily Event leaderboard by tapping on the green trophy button in today's event (Bandit Slugs, Baby Slug, or Lug’s Treasure)!

Item 7 - Tap Walter the flying whale at the end of Remote Ridges around level 1600! It may take a moment for Walter to appear on your screen, be patient!

Item 7 Alternative - Tap the Green Trophy icon inside the Thanksgiving Challenge (located at the top left of the main game screen)!

Item 8 - Go to the Menu > Support > Friends and select the last tab!

Item 8 Alternative - Go to Malaria No More by going to the Menu > Extra Features!

Item 9 - Tap on the Key icon at the bottom of your main game screen and then press the small “+” icon next to the Key count at the top of your screen.

Item 9 Alternative - Tap the Gold Bar at the top of your main game screen then tap on the VIP tab.

Item 10 - Go to the “Special Missions,” select the Earthworm, swipe to General Slug, start a level pack, before beginning a level select “Change Difficulty” at the bottom left of the game screen.

Item 10 Alternative - Tap on the lightning bolt at the top left of your main game screen!

If you need additional help, SEND US A DIRECT MESSAGE. You’ve got this! 💪

Friday, December 6, 2019

Day 6 Miss Hug and Todor

The sixth day of Dragcember with Miss Hug and Todor
she has a rod, baited with a mistletoe for two couple Reindeer there's Sven x Velvet, he has Heart archer arrow

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Day 5 Miss Chatterbox and Argus

A Fifth day of Dragcember with Miss Chatterbox and Argus and she has a surprise gift for him.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Christmas giveaway begins starts

The Mr. Men Little Miss big Christmas giveaway begins tomorrow! Check back here at 9am every day for the next 10 days for your chance to win 🎄

What if Miss Sparkle Meet Zikomo

trouble while loosing the edge, that she was in her mind that her wish come true
dream that she received, the sky blue dragon was only wisdom for their own work they have shaped of a star like this.

Day 4 Miss Whoops and Delbin

Here’s the fourth day of Dragcember with Miss Whoops and Delbin she picture of a dragonfly named Sparx he like his painting

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Day 3 Miss Giggles and Gildas

A Third Day of  Dragcember with Miss Giggles and Gildas has a present inside with a Ballerina Music Box

Monday, December 2, 2019

Day 2 Miss Curious and Tomas

the second Day of Dragcember with Miss Curious and Tomas she giving a present and also she eat some cookies.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

holiday starts on 24

Santa Freya has hidden 24 presents around Sylvanian Village – can you help her find them all?

Day 1 Miss sunshine and Lindar

here's First Day of Dragcember with Miss sunshine and Lindar she gave a present to him a cat of course