Thursday, August 21, 2014

Mixels story part 2

I Found it from ZootyCutie

Mixel Nursery: here,  here, and here.    

Teslo was crying that Kai and Nya was gone except Cole, Jay, Lloyd and Zane, so Flain tried to cheer him up by singing "Tomorrow" and the boys along with Glomp and Magnifo decide to break out and start a new life. The boys get packed and sneak past Toralei Stripe and Ms. Muriel P. Finster to start a new life in America. They arrive at New York after stowing away on a cargo ship. The boys' actual view of America is not exactly what Lloyd described, in which the streets are paved with asphalt, not gold, and problems are aplenty. The boys decide to audition, but that gets them nowhere. After many failures, they become waiters while singing "Neutron Dance." After years of working, the boys still were poor and living in the park.
They decide to audition for a singing group in California. After some hard traveling on a bus, the boys  make it to California, but they are too late. They try to get the auditioner to listen to them anyway but must follow him. When they catch up to him, they sing "New Attitude". This impresses the auditioner, who convinces his boss to give the Mixels a recording contract, and thus their first big break. 

Kai and Nya's mom: childrens, [she get to the kids her hand.] would you like to come with us?.

Young Kai: (He Happy) Oh yes.

Young Nya: (She Happy) That's was great.

Young Kai: can my Mixel Babies comes too?

Kai and Nya's mom: Well yes, Why not.

Young woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: will certainly going to miss the little land, now upstairs and get your things 
Kai and Nya.

(they go upstairs to the rooms.)

Young Nya: Boy!, Boys it happen we'r getting adoption.

Young Kai: Come on let's go.

Young Nya: Boys? Where are you, Teslo, Flurr, Kraw, Flain.

(inside the hole wall they were tied up and locked away Toralei Stripe and Ms. Muriel P. Finster.)

Mixels Babies: Mmmmrrp, mmmmrp, mmmmrp.

(he look under the bed the box is empity.)

Young woman Ms. FinsterNya and Kai! 

Young Kai: uh? i almost kap Ms. Finster.
(he open the briefcase and see get Nya's bracelet.)  
Young Kai: Kraw, Flain, Flurr, Teslo, Boys!

(the box and look.)

Young woman Ms.Muriel P. Finster: Let's go now, you can't keep the waiting. 

Young Kai: But my Babies, I can't find them.

Young woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: oh then, i'm afraid they run off come along.

Young Nya: Run Off?

(she hold thire hands and go downstairs.)

Young Kai: (His eyes is sorrowed) but i have to find them.

Young woman Ms. Finster: i'll send them along if they show up, now your new parents are waiting outside.

Mixels Babies: Mmmmrrp, mmmmrp, mmmmrp.

Kai and Nya's mom: your to be very happy with us kids?

Young Nya and Kai: Yes Mom.

(they take off ropes.)

Baby Teslo: Nya, Kai.

[Kai and Nya's family's car go bye, and Kraw, Flain, Flurr and Teslo starts crying, Glomp and Magnifo came here.]

Baby Glomp: Come on guys don't cry.

Baby Magnifo: Please just come down, don't cry you guys.

[they stoped and look at her.]

Young woman Ms.Muriel P. Finster: Well, well, you six are going to make me very rich.

Baby Flurr: Let us out off here.

Young woman Ms.Muriel P. Finster: Oh that all come, soon enough.

[the last night of hours, if Teslo starts crying, except Kraw, Flain, Flurr, Glomp and Magnifo.]

Baby Teslo: [Teslo starts crying] WAAAAA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAH!!!!

Baby Magnifo: don't cry Teslo. 

Baby Teslo: Nya and
Kai's gone, will never see them again.

Baby Flain: Yes we will.

Baby Teslo: (He sniff his nose.) I'll never get out of here.

Flain: Don't worry Teslo.

Flain: The sun'll come out tomorrow

FlurrBet your bottom dollar that tomorrow

Baby Flurr, Flain and Teslo: there'll be sun

Baby Magnifo and Kraw: Just thinkin' about tomorrow

Baby Flurr, Flain, Magnifo and Kraw: Clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow till' there's none

Baby Flurr, Flain, Kraw, Magnifo, Glomp and Teslo: When I'm stuck in the day that's gray and lonely
I just stick up my chin and grin and say

Baby Flurr, Flain, Kraw, Magnifo, Glomp and Teslo: oh The sun'll come out tomorrow
So you got to hang on
till' tomorrow, come what may!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow
You're only a day away!

Baby Glomp: that was Correct,
Finster is going to keep us forever.

Flain: Oh no, she won't, we'r going to get us far away from her as we can.

Baby Flurr: We're going to american

Baby Kraw: Yeah, and a new life.

[Six of them Push door out.]

Baby Flurr: (Whisper) Hurry and pack find
Lloyd and his friends, we can't let Ms. Finster see us.

[the boy
get packed and sneak past, and join to Cole, Jay, Lloyd and Zane.]

Young Cole: There they are, their 6 of them. But where's Nya and Kai.

Young Zane: their disappear, it with Glomp and Magnifo They are go to american.

Young Cole: Yes, come on guys, 
Ms. Finster right there, Follow me.  

[Cole, Jay, Lloyd and Zane is following with the Mixel Babies and Ms Finster is typing the typewriter.]

Young woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: Oh dear, Goodness be!, i've goona make of Logic fortune key brokens. now, if they seem four nine a week, two week old for the..Oh, oh Wait a minute, Why given time of.

[Cole, Jay, Lloyd and Zane is following with the Mixel Babies to Tip-toe walking.]

Young woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: They can work six nine a week, Every week.

[They go here,who open the door and bump them to the door.]

Mixel Babies: Oof!

Young Cole, Jay, Lloyd and Zane: (Gasp!)

Young Toralei Stripe: And where do you think your going?.

Young Lloyd: Going out?.oh, uh...,bye.

[4 Ninjago kids are rushing and 6 of them Running away out, she yelled at her.]

Young Toralei Stripe: Ms. Finster!

Young woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: Oh dear, what is it Toralei.

Young Toralei Stripe: their Running away.

Young woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: Oh My, Before to.. stop them.

 [they Running away 4 Ninjago kids Open the door go outside, 6 Mixel Babies are off the hole,]
Young Lloyd: Come on, babies hurry.

[Ms. Muriel P. Finster will come and Open the door.]

Baby Flain: She can't catch us now.

[Toralei out of the bush and take them.]

Young Toralei Stripe: That i can.

Kiki: Hi-ya!

[Kiki comes to kick her to the bush.]

Young Toralei Stripe: you.

Young Jay: Thanks, Kiki. Now, Get in side here.

Kiki: (Whispers) Okey.
[6 Mixel Babies are going to her pouch.]

Baby Teslo: Oh Thank you, Kiki.

Baby Magnifo: Can you take us to the Harmer.

[Kiki was grin she hopped out.]

Young woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: I've Gotcha now.

[Ms. Muriel P. Finster want catch to and she hopped away, Cole, Jay, Lloyd and Zane are ran away.]

Young woman Ms. Muriel P. Finster: Come back Please, get that your own room, your even news [two pounch on the ground.] No, no, nooooo!.

[after sydney then go united states.]

Young Lloyd: Taken of last look in Australia boys.

[their in the cargo ship Cole, Jay, Lloyd, Zane and 6 Mixel Babies are waving at Kiki.]

Baby Gloop: we'r sure gonna miss you kiki.

[They shipping American, Teslo see at the window they came here.]

Baby Teslo: Look, the Statue of  Liberty.

Baby Flain: we'r here.

[They are cheer to them.]

Mixel Babies: America!.

[the Ship is stoping by America.]

Young Zane: Look, there it is.

Young Lloyd: This place is cool.

[In New York there the place right here.]

Baby Gloop: I don't understand, this is New York right?.

[Gloop step to the gum.]

Baby Gloop: where all the streets if came with gum.

Baby Flain: uh, if i'am sure. there Probably not enough gold to pay them once?.

Baby Teslo: well, what are we do now.

Baby Kraw: We get a job.

Baby Flurr: A job?.

Baby Flain: or what.

Baby Teslo: but we don't know anyone.

Baby Magnifo: Don't Worry, Kai and Nya us to say in America opportunity is just around the croner, Let's try that one.

Young Lloyd: Find this way.

[they go here to the cafe Hoily Toity, the door with the sign help wanted to look at waiter.]

Baby Flain: Hi, We'r here for waiters in jobs.

[the man close the door.]

Young Cole: Not good.

[they sit on the ground.]

Baby Flain: it wouldn't ruined your dide any way.

[the last night they go right there at the door to Chef Gordon Zola.]

Baby Flurr: Please sir, We need a job.

Chef Gordon Zola: Hmm, now maybe you can us your mind out of afraid and work on.

[Chef Gordon Zola to whip the fly with a Fly Swatter.]

Mixel Babies: No sir.

[Flain take them right there.]

Baby Flain: we're on are way now.

Young Zane: Take this bag to the place right here.

Young Cole, Jay, Lloyd, Zane, Baby Flurr, Flain, Kraw, Magnifo, Glomp and Teslo: I don't want to take it anymore I'll just stay here locked behind the door Just no time to stop and get away Young Cole, Jay, Lloyd, Zane, Flurr, Flain, Kraw, Magnifo, Glomp and Teslo:'Cause I work so hard to make it everyday

Young Cole, Jay, Lloyd, Zane, Flurr, Flain, Kraw, Magnifo, Glomp and Teslo: (chorus) And it's hard to say Just how some things never change And it's hard to find Any strength to draw the line I'm just burning doin' the neutron dance I'm just burning doin' the neutron dance

Young Cole, Jay, Lloyd, Zane, Flurr, Flain, Kraw, Magnifo, Glomp and Teslo: (chorus) I know there's a pot of gold for me All I got to do is just believe I'm so happy doin' the neutron dance And I'm just burning doin' the neutron dance I'm so happy doin' the neutron dance I'm just burning doin' the neutron dance

[in the snow Young Ninjago are sleeping, Toddler Flurr, Flain, Kraw, Magnifo, Glomp and Teslo are sleeps on bench, Flurr was very cold.]

Young Flurr: don't hug all the covers Glomp.

[Flurr taking the paper.]

Young Glomp: Hey.

[Flurr and Glomp to pull.]

Young Glomp: let go, Flurr?

Young Kraw: Boys, Stopped it.

Young Flain: i'm trying to Sleep.

[the pulled and teared the paper off and Glomp fell down.]

Young Glomp: hey.

[he sleep on it and Flain see on the paper picture of audition for a singing group.]

Young Flain: Hey!, Audition for a singing group Hotel Caruso in Sunny California. of course.

Young Jay: What's that?.

Young Flain: we should do singing in California, remeber what Kai and Nya said Opportunity only last one.

Young Glomp: but it's noting three thousand Miles Away

Young Magnifo: and we only had four dollars.

Young Flain: live it to me.

[the bus to they inside Cole, Jay, Lloyd and Zane are in seat.]

Jay: if  Nya have been gose bye and is nothing here.

Young Zane: Yeah, and it so Soft and Comfy.

Cole: we're going to find for it.

[the holding the bag and put it in here they'are in the luggage racks.]

Young Teslo: it isn't very Uncomfortable Flain.

Young Flain: we better get us to it, because we'r going to California.

[the bus going to California to the bridge of san francisco.]

Young Lloyd: San francisco we made it.

[they go out of the bus and he stretch arms.]

Young Flain: there's nothing like traveling across country sides,don't you agree.

Young Flurr, Kraw, Magnifo, Glomp and Teslo: No.

Young Lloyd: Come on, boys let's go there.

Young Flain: well when we will all be with it when get to Hotel Caruso.

[they go to there, Sora Takenouchi version (Adventure) ride the bike to Hotel Caruso, Mixel Toddlers go out the basket Young Ninjago out of the bike.] 

Sora Takenouchi: Hotel Caruso come in up.

Young Flurr: Thanks a lot, here the 25 sens we promise to you.

[they go to inside.]

Young Flain: The Menger probably inside.

[their going to east ballroom and see at Eugene Meltsner and Yui Hirasawa.]

Eugene Meltsner: Thank you very much, Celver be along.

Young Zane: Ahem, execuse me? We'r here for the audition.

Eugene Meltsner: i'm sorry it six-o-one and audition are over today. 

Young Magnifo: but we travel three thousand miles.

Eugene Meltsner: Ok, where have you seen.

Young Teslo: A lovey in bathrooms.

[Flain covered his mouth.]

Young Flain: he means, we send our many rooms Across the country.

Eugene Meltsner: i'm sorry, Boys. i'm looking for prefaction not advi

Young Lloyd: but if you just listen us sing.

[Eugene Meltsner to the taxi.]

Eugene Meltsner: That my cab, sorry, Boys. 

[he get in to the taxi and go.]

Young Magnifo: well, so much for the audition.

Young Flain: Maybe not, you hoo.

[he called to her Sora Takenouchi ride the bike to comes.]

Young Zane: will get you in the 25 sens and catch that cab. 

[the taxi ride away they climb to the bike.]

Sora Takenouchi: no problem, i know every short cut town.

[they ride them to the short cut.]

Young Teslo: Faster.

[in traffic jams All the cars right here at cab.]

Eugene Meltsner: (he whip his head) can't you go in any faster, i'm late for my pineapple game.

Earl Devereaux: What do want me to do Meltsner.

[he blow his breath and Sora Takenouchi ride the bike to stopped to climbing the cab.]

Young Zane: Found him.

Young Flain: come on, this our chance.  

[they look at the window they sing at Eugene.]

Mixel Toddlers: I'm feeling good from my hat to my shoe,
Know where I am going and I know what to do,
I've tidied up my point of view,
I've got a new attitude.

I'm in control,
My worries are few,
'Cause I got love like I never knew,
Ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo...
I've got a new attitude.

[All the Minifigures people cheer to the take a bow showcase.]

Young Flain: well.

Eugene Meltsner: you've got a job.

Mixel Toddlers: Hooray!!!

Flain: and thats how we started singing chareer.

Teslo: we alzzzzzo that the Mixel Tribeszzzz.

see it

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