Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fat Albert & Nimbus 9 Christmas Special Part 2

Then They Lift in the ClubHouse
The guys try to help them. They are turned away from the nearby hospital because they have no insurance, and are told to go the city hospital as a charity case, but it's too far away.
Fat Albert & Hafiz strikes a deal with Tyrone to save the clubhouse. He works at Tyrone's store,lady snowy giving away small gifts to entice customers to come in and shop. Things are going very well, until his friends show up, and think he's become a traitor. When he explains the deal, they all begin to grab for free gifts, angering Tyrone, who kicks them all out and says the clubhouse will come down anyway. Mudfoot Brown arrives to give Tyrone what-for, and Tyrone admits to him and Fat Albert that since his wife Martha died, he's been lonely and miserable. Mudfoot warns him that he needs to change his ways.

to be continued




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